Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Module 8

This module has similar resources as the last one. We are beginning to see the documented climate changes that are close to home—The Arctic. I am beginning to make the connections between how the melting of our arctic ice is really a warming process. I am also feeling more confident in teaching my fifth graders about the climate change in which we are.
I will do the science experiment with the ice cubes and the water in a glass to show my students about the rising sea levels. Living on an island, we need to understand the repercussions of the glacial meltdowns. I can also make connections between the people of Shishmaraf and the coastline that is deteriorating. As I think I may have referred to before, in the old village of Afognak, their graveyard was initially placed on a point of land that has deteriorated within the past hundred years or so. The old wooden coffins are falling into the ocean. My question is—did the elders or native peoples of Afognak see the coastlines being eaten up as we do today?

I am currently on the Native Education Curriculum Committee in our school district. Some of the duties of this committee is to integrate local place based learning with lessons that are relevant to issue we are seeing today. Of great concern is global warming and I feel I can now give to this committee more with the knowledge that I’ve gained.

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